
Narrow aluminum rods become the picture surface and offer the possibility of tugging and compressing the picture by changing the distance.


2010, Acrylic on 30 aluminium bars, height 60cm, width variable


2010, Acrylic on 40 aluminium bars, height 200cm, width variable, changeable


2010, Acrylic on 120 aluminium bars, height 160cm, width variable, changeable

The changeability of a multi-part work can be increased if a kind of modular system is available. With „charts“ different sections (12 sections) each contain several rods (10 pieces), which have a completely identical painting.

2 parts of charts

2010, Acrylic on 120 aluminium bars, height 160cm, width variable, changeable

Two sections from ‚charts‘ have been removed and presented here in different versions.